Berkeley Lab “In the News” is our weekly review of Lab researchers, staff, and students who have appeared in the news media this past week. This is but a sampling of our coverage. Please note that some links may expire after time.
An Aug. 9 IEEE Spectrum story highlighted a report led by the Lab’s Ryan Wiser showing growth in the wind industry. KCET/Los Angeles and others also covered the report’s findings.
An Aug. 7 EarthSky.orgstory looked at work led by the Lab’s Eric Linder using the cosmic microwave background to observe what happened after the Big Bang., R&Dand ANI News were some of the other news outlets covering the research.
The latest issue of Symmetry magazine includes a Q&A with the Lab’s Saul Perlmutter.
An Aug. 5 Sky and Telescope story cited work by the Lab’s Daniel Kasen and Jennifer Barnes that may have captured two neutron stars colliding.
A July 31 Wiredmagazine story on rare-earth minerals quoted the Lab’s David Shuh.
A July 31 R&Dstory looked at 2D semiconductor research led by the Lab’s Ali Javey.
A July 24 Wiredmagazine story featured work led by the Lab’s Manfred Auer showing a social network for bacteria. The San Francisco Business Times also covered his work.
A July NBC News.comstory on saving energy quoted the Lab’s Evan Mills and referenced the Lab’s Home Energy Saver project.
A July 23 New York Times story highlighted indoor air quality work led by the Lab’s Melissa Lunden, Woody Delp, Jennifer Logue and Brett Singer. Their work was widely covered by others including KNTV-TV Channel 11, WNYC radio, KQED-FM, Environmental News Network, Rodale News, Science 2.0, Garden Web, and others.
A July 23 KNTV-TV Channel 11 story covered research led by the Lab’s Mark Mendellshowing ventilation issues in classrooms. - !/news/local/Half-of-Classrooms-Dont-Meet-State-Ventilation-Standards/216496771 - !/news/local/Half-of-Classrooms-Dont-Meet-State-Ventilation-Standards/216496771