The Lab or Lab staff appeared in the following media:
Los Angeles Times reported that Vicki Laden (OPS) will serve on a panel of legal experts, announced by the California Legislature, to review and investigate sexual harassment claims in the Senate and Assembly.
The Daily Cal reported on the DOE Secretary’s Distinguished Service Award to Zahid Hussain (MSD), quoting Mike Witherell and Chuck Fadley (MSD).
Berkeleyside ran a profile piece on Kamala Harris that mentioned her mother’s work as a scientist at the Lab and quoted Judith Campisi (BSE) and Mina Bissell (BSE).
Physics World quoted SteveKevan (ALS) on resonant inelastic X-ray scattering research published by the University of Cologne in Science Advances.
insideHPC mentioned the Lab in a piece on “supercomputing cleaner power plants.”
HPCwire mentioned Prabhat (NERSC)and the Exascale Deep Learning project at the Lab as one of “19 Science Simulations for the Summit Supercomputer in 2019.”
Techwire reported on Gov. Newsom appointees to the Commission on Catastrophic Wildfire Cost and Recovery, including former Lab affiliate Carla Peterman.
The Independent reported that Kim Budil, former vice president for national laboratories in the UC Office of the President (UCOP), has been named LLNL’s new principal associate director for Weapons & Complex Integration.
CleanTechnica ran a piece co-authored by Mark Delucchi (ETA) on the rationale of excluding nuclear power, fossil fuels with carbon capture, and biofuels from “The Green New Deal.”