STAT cited research by Christina Patricola (EESA) and Michael Wehner (CRD), promoted last November in a Lab release and published in Nature, on climate simulations projecting wetter, windier hurricanes.
The Lab or Lab staff appeared in the following media:
MIT Technology Review quoted Irfan Siddiqi (MSD) in a story on the challenges in advancing quantum computing.
msn news picked up a piece that originally ran in National Geographic, with the addition of a newer study, and quoted Charles Koven (EESA) on permafrost and some Arctic ground no longer freezing in winter.
insideHPC highlighted the Lab’s contributions to the exascale supercomputing conference this week in Houston. They reported “LBL researchers will contribute two plenaries, five tutorials, 15 breakouts and 20 posters.”
Bay Area News Group, including the East Bay Times and The Mercury News, reported that unlike some other federally-affiliated institutions, the Lab remains open to pursue scientific discovery during the shutdown.
insideHPC quoted Sudip Dosanjh (NERSC) on using the new Shasta system supercomputer to advance scientific discovery.
msn news picked up the Atlantic piece mentioning work by Dan Martin (CRD)and colleagues on computer modeling of ice physics and its impacts on sea level rise predictions.
An outdated Lab website was mentioned in a Gizmodo piece on issues with federal websites during the government shutdown.