Berkeley Lab “In the News” is our weekly review of Lab researchers, staff, and students who have appeared in the news media this past week. This is but a sampling of our coverage. Please note that some links may expire after time.
A July 14 story in The Scientist looked at a new approach to searching for microbial species and quoted Natalia Ivanova.
A July 13 New York Times story on how changing air-conditioning practices could affect climate change cited work led by Nihar Shah. A similar story also appeared on EE News.®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=2&pgtype=sectionfront&_r=0 (Click on “Improve air-conditioners”)
A July 13 Wired magazine story on artificial intelligence and the data needs required quoted Luke de Oliveira.
A July 12 Science magazine story on college students finding work in science settings quoted current Lab intern Reavelyn Pray.
A July 11 Energy Manager Today story, based on a Lab news release, highlighted recent work led by Eleanor Lee on building energy efficiencies. LEDs Magazine also covered the research.
A July 10 International Business Times story looked at Swiss researchers using NERSC to achieve a quantum-computing breakthrough.
A July 10 insideHPC story, based on a Lab news release, looked at neuromorphic computing and the data required, and quoted Paolo Calafiura, Daniela Ushizima, Kristofer Bouchard and Chao Yang.
A July 5 Science news story quoted Paolo Calafiura in a story on how artificial intelligence is changing how science is conducted.
A July 3 Nature news story highlighted work on the secrets to long-lasting Roman concrete, work led by Advanced Light Source user Marie Jackson. The work, first featured in a Lab news release, was widely covered including by Popular Science, UPI news, Archaeology magazine, EuraAsia Reviewand more.
A June 30 Amazing Science story featured work led by Hoi-Ying Holman showing how archaea live on our skin. The story was based on a recent Lab news release.
A June 29 Greenwire news story looked at a report on the challenges to wind power, a report led by Ben Hoen and Joe Rand.
A June 28 Yahoo News story, based on a Lab news release, featured work on underwater telecommunication, work led by Xiang Zhang and Chengzhi Shi.
A June 26 Washington Post obituary looked at the life of former Lab astrophysicist Jerry Nelson.
A June 26 story highlighted research showing how microbes may have helped clean up the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, work led by Gary Andersen. The findings, reported first in a Lab news release, were widely covered by, Invisiverse, Science Bulletin and more.
A June 25 story in The Independent on cellphone battery life quoted Ramamoorthy Ramesh.