Berkeley Lab “In the News” is our weekly review of Lab researchers, staff, and students who have appeared in the news media this past week. This is but a sampling of our coverage. Please note that some links may expire after time.
A May 3 Wall Street Journal story on indoor mold quoted the Lab’s Bill Fisk.
A Smithsonianmagazine story listing the top five innovative technologies for the developing world included the Lab’s Darfur Stove project and Lab spinoff, Point Source Power’s VOTO product.
A May 1 KGO-TV Channel 7 story featured the Lab’s JBEI and ABPDU facilities and included interviews with Jay Keasling, Blake Simmons and Julio Baez.
A May 1 ASCRfeature looked at the Lab’s efforts to capture big data including that from the ALS. The story quoted David Brown, Alexander Hexemer, and Abhinav Sarje.
A May 1 Popular Science story highlighted research on antimatter from CERN’s ALPHA experiment and quoted the Lab’s Joel Fajans. Colleague Jonathan Wurtelewas also quoted in similar stories appearing in CBS News, Live Science,, Nature World News, Yahoo!News, and Xinhua News among many others.
An April 30 Wiredstory on “time crystal” research noted the recent work by the Lab’s Xiang Zhang and Tongcang Li.
An April 29 New York Times story featured work on recovering a recording of Alexander Graham Bell’s voice, work led by the Lab’s Carl Haber. Time magazine, NPR, Reuters, Discovery channel and many other outlets also covered the achievement.
An April 29 KQED QUESTstory covered the Lab’s indoor air pollution research and included the Lab’s Melissa Lunden and Tosh Hotchi.
An April 27 Barronsstory on Boeing’s Dreamliner returning to service quoted the Lab’s Elton Cairns.
The current issue of PNASincludes a news story noting the challenges facing the Lab’s Susan Hubbard and her group as they research Alaska permafrost.