Tech Explorist andGreen Car Congress picked up a Lab release on research by Joel Ager (JCAP) and Yanwei Lum (former CSD), published in Nature Catalysis on the potential of copper to act as a catalyst for turning carbon dioxide into sustainable chemicals and fuels without wasteful byproducts.
Forbes reported on research by a team including SLAC, the Lab and other institutions, to produce high-res images of photosynthesis, which was published in Nature and shared via a Lab release.
IT World wrote a feature on DOE’s CyberForce competition, promoted in a Lab release.
The Lab or Lab staff appeared in the following media:
Toldeo Blade quoted Mike Witherell’s commencement address to the graduating class at the University of Toledo, encouraging students to “take personal responsibility for improving the lives around you without worrying about who gets the credit.”
KCBX radio (Central Coast) interviewed Erica Woodburn, Peter Fiske, and Preston Jordan (all EESA) on the science of produced water injection in relation to oil extraction activities and the safety of drinking water.
Forbes ran an image-heavy piece on How Planets First Form Around Stars, citing the Lab in a graphic on protoplanetary disks.
HPC Wire mentioned a team of researchers including the Lab in a recent publication on the Simulation Development Environment (SDE) and computational chemistry for the exascale era.
A sponsored piece in Forbes cited Lab research on the price of offshore wind projects and wind energy development as a “bipartisan success story.”
CBS visited the Lab to interview Gerd Ceder (MSD) on batteries in relation to a Tesla car fire.