Lab news releases earned the following coverage:
A Lab video on DESI, an experiment to survey the universe, was featured in ECN magazine, which also quoted Joe Silber (ENGR).
R&D magazine and Heritage Daily quoted Musa Ahmed (CSD); and Chemical and Engineering News (c&en),Discover Magazine, and Futurism reported on his work with Bo Xu and Utuq Ablikim exploring Titan’s atmospheric chemistry. It was also covered by Universal-Sci. picked up a Lab release on an acrylic tank built for the LUX-ZEPLIN dark matter search experiment.
Anthropocene Magazine and Ancient Origins quoted Paul Berdahl (ETA) and the team behind research on the “Egyptian Blue” pigment that can keeping buildings cool. Edgy Labs, Smart Energy Decisions, Orient, Energy Zine, and The Daily Californianalso covered the work.
HPCwire highlighted a Lab paper on exascale deep learning for climate analytics, covered in a release from Computing.
The Lab or Lab staff appeared in the following media:
Gizmodo reporter Ryan Mandelbaum visited BELLA and quoted Wim Leemans (ATAP) for a feature on the table-top laser under the headline, “A Visit to One of the Most Powerful Lasers on Earth.”
Horst Simon was quoted in a piece in Equipment News on China developing the world’s first exascale computer.
The Atlantic ran a feature on former Lab researcher Alexis Templeton’s study of endoterrestrials.
The Next Platform mentioned Lab work on CosmoFlow and deep learning.
Gerbrand Ceder (MSD) and Marca Doeff (ETA) were mentioned in a Medium post on the Bay Area Battery Summit, held at the Lab last week.
The Star Tribune reported on roof shingles that curb air pollution and mentioned they were sent to the Lab for testing.
Tim Latimer and Jack Norbeck, fellows in Cyclotron Road, were mentioned in a blog post by the California Energy Commission.
Solar Magazine cited the Lab’s Tracking the Sun report.
A piece in Springwise on generative adversarial networks mentioned a Lab project on predicting how particular subatomic particles will behave.
The East Bay Times and others reported on an unsuccessful attempt in 2013 by individuals unaffiliated with the Lab to circumvent federal guidelines in awarding contracts in the bid for renovating a Lab building.