Berkeley Lab “In the News” is our weekly review of Lab researchers, staff, and students who have appeared in the news media this past week. This is but a sampling of our coverage. Please note that some links may expire after time.
A July 17 Washington Post story highlighted work by Eoin Brodie and Javier Ceja-Navarro showing the inner workings of the caffeine borer beetle. Their work was widely covered including by The Economist, Newsweek, National Geographic, io9 and Cnet, among others. Lab Public Affairs wrote a news release and proactively promoted the work.
A July 17 UPInews story featured work by Paul Alivisatos and Peter Ercius on a new way to image nanoparticles. ScienceNewsLine also covered the work based on a Lab news release.
A July 16 Los Angeles Times review looked at a new book on Ernest Lawrence and the founding of Berkeley Lab.
A July 16 story on social media surrounding new images of Pluto included a haiku contest created by Lab Public Affairs.
A July 16 Solar Industry Magazine story looked at a new report on future solar deployment and rate design quoting coauthor Naim Darghouth. PV Solar, and Utility Dive also covered the report’s findings quoting coauthor Ryan Wiser.
A July 16 Bloomberg story profiled Marcus Lehmann and his work on trying to produce energy from ocean waves.
A July 13 ClimateWire story looked at a new small business voucher pilot project being led by Berkeley Lab and quoted Alecia Ward. The Livermore Independent News also covered the launch. The voucher program was publicized by a news release written by the Public Affairs office.
A July 13 PC World story on the top 500 computers list noted Berkeley Lab’s role in developing the rankings.
A July 13 Daily Mail story looked at the wreck of the USS Independence and work KaiVetter is doing to study the ship’s radiation safety. New Historian and R& also covered the story which was based on a feature story written by Lab Public Affairs.
A July 9 Los Angeles Times story on a new California fracking report noted the lab’s role, led by Jens Birkholzer, in producing the report. The report was widely covered including by the San Francisco Chronicle, Sacramento Bee, Associated Press,, Inside Climate News, and more. It also led to two editorials in the LA Times and San Francisco Chronicle.
Editorial Pieces :
A July 9 KPCC-FM story on San Francisco’s disappearing fog quoted Travis O’Brien.
A July 8 Chemistry World on new findings in the material samarium hexaboride quoted Joel Moore.
A July 7 USA Today highlighted work led by Jeff Greenblatt and Sam Saxena showing the potential benefits of driverless taxis. The Los Angeles Times, Popular Science, Washington Post, NatureWorldReport (which produced a video as well), Contra Costa Times, KQED, NBC Bay Area, The Guardian, Xinhua News, Salon, Technology Review and dozens of other outlets also covered their work. The coverage was made possible in part by outreach and a news release written by Lab Public Affairs.
A July 6 KGO-TVstory looked at a new effort to detect wild land fires being led by CarlPennypacker. His work was also noted in a Discover magazine story.