Berkeley Lab “In the News” is our weekly review of Lab researchers, staff, and students who have appeared in the news media this past week. This is but a sampling of our coverage. Please note that some links may expire after time.
A Jan. 15 CleanTechnicastory highlighted a new report on how the installation of photovoltaics increases home values, a study led by Ben Hoen. Similar stories on the value of PV ran in UtilityDive, FastCoexist, PV Magazine and Roll Call, among others.
A Jan. 15 San Jose Mercury News story highlighted results from a new report on fracking in California, with involvement by Jens Birkholzer and other members of the Lab’s Earth Sciences Division. The story quoted Preston Jordan. Stories also ran in the Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Capitol Public Radio, and many other outlets.
On Jan. 14 ran a roundtable discussion on the state of nanoscience, which included Lab Director Paul Alivisatos
A Jan. 14 Science Daily story looked at a new report highlighting 50 breakthroughs to help the developing world. The report was created by the Lab’s Institute for Globally Transformative Technologies led by Shashi Buluswar. Phys.Org, Innovation Toronto and several others also noted the report’s findings.
On Jan. 12 R&Dmagazine featured work on nanoribbons led by Mike Crommie and Felix Fischer. The NSF also highlighted the work.